Stage 10: Moralzarzal to San Lorenzo de El Escorial


To leave Moralzarzal, take the road to Cerceda and then turn north towards Becerril de la Sierra. The road at this point begins to rise, but they are short ramps and not very pronounced. Pay attention to leave the main track to the right in the free passage that, between bushes and without needing to gain much height, allows to pass to the valley in which is Becerril de la Sierra. You are very close to the Cerro del Telégrafo, where you will find many paths frequented by fans of the mountain bike in its version of enduro. In Becerril de la Sierra you can make a stop. There you will find abundant sources in which to provision you for the rest of the day. Now head to the Parque del Collado urbanization, crossing the M-601 and continue along its streets until you find the trail that leads you along a trail that runs along the whole slope of the mountain, to a steep descent that leads to Collado Mediano. From there, continue towards Collado Villalba, where you will cross the A-6 and then continue towards San Lorenzo de El Escorial. In San Lorenzo de El Escorial, in addition to its Monastery, which does not need presentation, you can visit its historical center and other many heritage resources that are part of a destination inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


  • Apply
  • Points of interest
    Hotel Los Lanceros
    Fuente del Seminario
    Rutas del agua en Moralzarzal

    and 36 more

  • Length
    22.44 Km
  • Duration
    135 min
  • Difficulty
  • Circuit
  • Activity
  • Origin
    Etapa 10: Moralzarzal a San Lorenzo de El Escorial
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  • Photo: Sierra

  • Photo: Campo de Pasto

  • Photo: San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Points of interest

On this route you will find 41 points of interest

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