If you want to visit Patones de Arriba, we recommend you park your vehicle in the Patones de Abajo parking lot. Then you will have the possibility to ascend the interpretive path of the ravine. It is an interesting route, less than a kilometer long, which runs through a ravine of enormous geological and scenic importance. /n Keep reading ...

The current landscape is the result of the constant work of water

It is a path of great scenic beauty, which connects the nuclei of Patones de Arriba and de Abajo and allows you to enjoy this attractive environment on foot, without the hassle of cars or any other motor vehicle.

The ravine of Patones

Beautiful setting between limestone mountains.

The caves

On the way from Patones de bajo to Patones de arribas you will find the cave of air with remains of Neolithic ceramics. Access is limited.

The best in the surrounding area

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