CycleMadrid among the vineyards: Colmenar de Oreja and Chinchón
Get on your bike. Relax. You’ll enjoy a simple yet beautiful route along a flat and straight path without any difficulty. Everything surrounding you is Heritage with a capital H. Cultural, historic, industrial and landscape heritage. Just think how the path you’re on was once a train track. You’ll find technical information on the route at this link. To find out about the different enclaves you can visit, keep reading...
Let’s get started: Tour of Chinchón
Chinchón is probably best known for its Plaza Mayor, a precious Castilian town square dating back to the 15th century now considered one of the prettiest in the world. Yet Chinchón is also known for its gastronomy: it’s a paradise for lovers of mutton, suckling pig or kid, slow roasted on wood fires; or game and stews, pastries, olive oils and anise. And wine, of course.
A quality gastronomy offer
If Chinchón is known for one thing, that would be its gastronomy offer. We suggest you eat at one of the olde worlde inns in the village and try the variety of local products and Madrid wines.
To finish up: Colmenar de Oreja
There is another magnificent example of popular Castilian architecture in the same sub-area as D.O. Vinos de Madrid. Colmenar de Oreja was recently declared a Site of Cultural Interest under the heritage site category. The reason for this recognition lies in the importance of its architectural heritage as there are a large number of buildings and public monuments, in addition to an excellent painting museum: the Ulpiano Checa Museum which is a must-visit.
Gastronomy is one of the wine sanctuaries of Madrid.
Located in the fertile plains of the River Tagus, Colmenar de Oreja produces wines, oils and artisan cheeses in addition to offering a unique culinary tradition using locally-produced ingredients.