The winter sun
In the heart of the Valley of Lozoya, next to the monastery of El Paular, lies Rascafría, a town that drapes itself in snow on long winter nights. This is how it awakens when the sun peeps over the peaks, on these chilly mornings that awaken our most childish side.
There are two requirements to enjoying mountain sports in winter: a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast. Which is why we recommend spending the previous night in one of Rascafría’s many establishments, waking up early, and taki
A day skiing in Valdesqui
If we know how to ski and the state of the snow is good (powdered snow), then there’s no doubt: take full advantage of the day to ascend to the ski station of Valdesquí. You can hire equipment there, as well as the services of an instructor.
¿Nordic ski or snow racquets?
There are also other forms of skiing that require less skill. However, good physical fitness is highly recommended. We’re talking of cross-country skiing or Nordic skiing, or an excursion with snow racquets through the snow. At the very least, a basic skill level that lets us
enjoy a day of skiing that’s much less demanding.