From Manzanares El Real to La Pedriza and back
The castle isn’t Manzanares’ only claim to fame. There’s a whole world at its back, the universe of the peak of La Pedriza. A granite cosmos, a place touched by the magic of nature, crossed by the recently emerged River Manzanares, and populated by pine groves and rockroses that feed mountain goats. A labyrinth that those who know it well would say they don’t know it at all. It’s one of Spain’s most famous rock climbing schools and also a favourite nature haunt of Madrid’s inhabitants.
La Pedriz
Manzanares El Real and its two castles
On the first day, we take a cursory look at a place that we’ll visit thoroughly on the second day. Visitors unfamiliar with Manzanares el Real and its castle have no excuse: a visit is compulsory and the first day might be the best time to make it. Note, there are two castles: one old and one new, although the floorplan and some bits are all that remain of the old castle.
At the gates of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park
The days are long in the spring, summer, and even in early autumn, which is precisely why we propose dedicating part of the day, perhaps the second half of the day or the evening, to getting acquainted with La Pedriza Visitors’ Centre, located at the car park (the only one) next to the “barrier”.
Second stage: From Canto Cochino to Cancho de los Muertos
The second part of the route takes us to a classic of La Pedriza. It’s still an easy and comfortable road, although now, we must climb.
From the bar at Canto Cochino, we make a short descent to the river and immediately cross the bridge, taking the GR-10, also known in this section as the “Highway to La Pedriza”.
Following the course of the river Manzanares until Canto Cochino
During the first part of the trail on this second day, we’ll see the Roman bridge, the ruins of the old castle, the shrine of Peña Sacra and La Pedriza with the south face of El Yelmo dominating the craggy landscape. We enter the ravine of Garganta de la Camorza and follow the River Manzanares until Canto Cochino. This is a long route, suitable for all ages and suitable for spring and autumn.