Carabaña to Estremera by the 40 day train route


The route begins in Carabaña, located on the banks of the river Tajuña, is known for its famous extra virgin olive oil and its famous purgative waters, whose spring is located on the hill of Cabeza Gorda. In Carabaña you can not miss the Viceroy's Palace

Leaving Carabaña, take the M-221 road to Estremera. Just take it, you will cross the Tajuña River, which runs through the provinces of Guadalajara and Madrid, being the second longest river in the Tagus basin, after the same Tagus.

Take the Pradeue Path to start the Greenway of the 40-day train. Also called Via Negrín was built, they say, in just forty days to supply a besieged Madrid.

A strategic railway of ephemeral life, today part of its route is an escape route for the nearby capital and a leisurely stroll through the agricultural territory of southeastern Madrid.

We are faced with a rough landscape of solitary beauty, in the eternal waiting of spring to dress her best clothes and surprise with aromas and flowers. To thrive on such an uneven terrain, the railroad was forced to excavate a series of trenches, which cut the hills of soft marls, limestones, clays, or plasters, exposing the varied color of the terrestrial entrails.

This route ends in the town of Estremera, and very close to the autonomic border with the Community of Castilla La Mancha.

The main heritage attractions of Estremera are especially related to the medieval period, including the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios.

Head towards Camilo José Cela street to leave Estremera, direction Valdaracete.

Between the rivers Tajuña and Tajo, in the Region of Las Vegas, is Valdaracete. Framed in a beautiful landscape, in its old town stand the Public Schools, the Market Square and the church of San Juan Bautista. Do not forget to visit its old town before resuming the route back to Carabaña.

In this last section we will use part of the main route of the CiclaMadrid ring.


  • Apply
  • Points of interest
    Churrería La Plazuela
    Mesón Cuevas del Vino Chinchón
    El Parador de Chinchón
    La Tahona

    and 291 more

  • Length
    34.05 Km
  • Duration
    210 min
  • Difficulty
  • Circuit
  • Activity
  • Origin
    Carabaña a Estremera por el Tren de los 40 días
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  • Photo: Caserón

  • Photo: Vía Verde del tren de 40 días

  • Photo: Vía Negrín

  • Photo: Cerro de Cabeza Gorda

Points of interest

On this route you will find 296 points of interest

You can download the route in GPX or KMZ file format for viewing in your preferred route application.