There are multiple ways of approaching architecture and its meaning. Because there is architecture born as a demonstration of power, architecture to honor death, to flood the believer with mysticism, or as a functional or industrial element ...... And, among all of them, there is a type of architecture that combines beauty and harmony with its instrumental character. An architecture and urbanism designed thinking about making the future of the human being more friendly.
Municipalities like Nuevo

On the trail of Goyeneche

The Navarrese politician and businessman Juan de Goyeneche, imbued by the lights of the Enlightenment, wanted to build in the Madrid region a model of a factory village in which factories and workshops coexisted with the homes of artisans. For this, in the lands of the so-called Madrid Alcarria, he entrusted José Benito de Churriguera with the conception of this town which, in addition, as a reminder of his land of origin, received the name of Nuevo Baztán.

Walking through cinematic memory

Some streets may sound familiar to you when you walk through Nuevo Baztán. It is possible that many of them make you remember passages from films such as "Zorro", "Return of the Magnificent Seven" or "The Three Musketeers". All of them were filmed here, in a place where each square hides a corner to get lost. And a point from which we can start a route such as the Senda de Valmores, which allows us to enjoy nature in its purest form.

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The university city of Alcalá de Henares

If Nuevo Baztán was the personal bet of an enlightened man to modernize and improve people's working life, Alcalá de Henares gathers all the university tradition that throughout the centuries has made knowledge and culture a constant vocation of the human being. Cradle of Cervantes, setting of the Regional Archaeological Museum, ...there are many perspectives from which to approach the city of Alcalá.