Navalcarnero and San Martín de Valdeiglesias: oenological landscapes for exquisite palates
In the southwest of the Region of Madrid, mountainous reliefs co-exist with lower areas through which the Alberche and Perales rivers flow. Here, there are towns as relevant as Navalcarnero and San Martín de Valdeiglesias, two Villas de Madrid that have the ideal characteristics for the production of high-quality grapes and the production of remarkable wines. Both towns have been included in the Designation of Origin Wines of Madrid since 1990. Keep reading and you’ll see...
Arrancamos: Navalcarnero, punto de encuentro entre tradición y modernidad
Pasear por las callejuelas medievales de Navalcarnero te transportará a un oasis de relajación y descanso. Déjate sorprender por las numerosas obras de arte contemporáneas que conviven con los elementos más tradicionales del patrimonio de la Villa.
Gastronomy, wine tourism and relaxation in Navalcarnero
The following places will allow you to relax in the village as well as enjoy the typical gastronomy of Navalcarnero, thus completing your accessible tourism experience. And, depending on your type of functional diversity, you may dare to visit one of the wineries.
Next station: San Martín de Valdeiglesias, the lands of Garnacha grapes
Famous for its wines, San Martín de Valdeiglesias is a real oenological and natural lung within the Sierra Oeste. Besides the natural environment surrounding the town, it has significant monumental heritage including the Coracera castle.
Gastronomy and relaxation in San Martín de Valdeiglesias.
Although the option we offer will allow you to continue enjoying your accessible tourism experience, depending on your possibilities, don’t forget to taste the most traditional flavours of the cuisine in San Martín de Valdeiglesias.