From Navalcarnero to San Martín de Valdeiglesias, the lands of Garnacha and Albillo Real

If anything makes Navalcarnero stand out, that would be the wine. The Malvar white grape and Garnacha red grape varieties are the favourites in this region. Yet, aware of the virtues of each variety, oenologists and winemakers use many others to achieve their purposes. Thus is also done in San Martín de Valdeiglesias, the land of wine, with a tradition that dates back to the 12th century. White, rosé and red: Albillo Real and Garnacha... Highly prized wines that are difficult to imitate.

Let’s get started: Navalcarnero, much more than a porticoed square

Get ready to visit a city that hides a town within with strong cultural and ethnographic roots, made of unique materials: adobe and lime, work, festivals, struggles, beliefs, rites and traditions.

The aromas and flavours of Madrid culture

Some of the best cultural experiences people always remember include the flavours and aromas that remain long after in the mind. Get ready to discover all the geographic, climatic, religious and cultural nuances.

Next station: Sierra Oeste, Madrid far away from Madrid

Probably the most unknown territory in Madrid, yet also the best preserved, the most authentic and the least polluted by the expansion of the city.

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To finish up: San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Don Álvaro de Luna domains

And for the second day, we’re going to take a guided tour of the epicentre of what were once the domains of a feudal lordship which left a mark everywhere: San Martín de Valdeiglesias.

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