The Motín de Aranjuez (Revolt of Aranjuez), recognized as a Festivity of International Tourist Interest, invites you to be part of the recreation of one of the most important historical events that took place in Spain in 1808, when the people of Madrid rose up against the established ruling power.

For several days, the streets of Aranjuez are turned into a stage with the re-enactment of the events that led to the fall of Godoy, minister of King Carlos IV, and that ended up with his abdication and the occupation of Spain by the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Hundreds of locals dress up in historical costumes and take part in an exciting stage performance that will make you feel like a spectator of that crucial moment.

In addition to the performance and the street play, Aranjuez is brimming with entertainment: a Goyesque market, children's theater, parades, craft workshops, the traditional treasure hunt of the Pirates of the Tagus and the typical Goyesque bullfight with some of the leading stars of the bullfighting world.

Don't miss the Motín de Aranjuez Festival!

Godoy must fall!

  • Assault on Godoy's residence
  • Motin de Aranjuez historical reenactment
  • Pirate River Adventure on the Tagus