Manzanares El Real
Manzanares El Real, a town at the foot of a castle
Manzanares is a town of good fortune. It emerged right at the foot of the Pedriza peak and then immediately up sprang a castle, the old one and later on, another one that was as pretty as a picture, this castle of the Mendoza family, that is now a firm part of its identity. The River Manzanares, which gives the town its name, passes through soon after emerging from its source in the peaks of the Sierra de Guadarrama, in the midst of a National Park. What’s more, the reservoir of Santillana is home to an enormous colony of aquatic birds that live there.
The Mendoza family castle is the true emblem of Manzanares El Real. This building is the architectural embodiment of a society caught between two eras, the Middle Ages with its defensive elements such as the pre-wall or the bent entrance; and the humanist Renaissance with its large salons, decorated façades and magnificent lookout points, more suited to a palace.
But the granite colossus of La Pedriza is a castle in itself, an authentic fortress surrounded by apparently insurmountable barriers of granite. These are walls that have been carved by the effect of water, wind and sun, over thousands of years. Watchtowers stand on them or behind them, situated on other rocks. The highest tower is El Yelmo. These elevated locations are also the nesting sites of griffon vultures and home to mountain goats who maintain a constant watch. And within are a thousand natural labyrinths that one might suppose to be there with the express intention of dissuading occupying forces; hidden enclosures that can only be reached by means of sharply inclined stairways that seem to go on for every; vertical trails that lead to almost inaccessible heights.
Manzanares El Real, the castle of the Mendoza family, La Pedriza, the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park... A natural complex that only requires time and enthusiasm, nothing more.

Photo: Aerial view of Manzanares El Real

Photo: Castle of Manzanares El Real

Photo: Courtyard of the Castle of Manzanares El Real

Photo: Church of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves

Photo: La Pedriza
Tips for visiting Manzanares El Real
Begin with its iconic castle called Castillo de Los Mendoza. From its ramparts, one can have a panoramic view of the entire area: the town of Manzanares, the peak of La Pedriza, the reservoir of Santillana with the hill of San Pedro as its backdrop, the trails and the valley that disappear into the south-west. It takes time to visit the castle thoroughly. And then, stroll unhurriedly through the town’s streets to purchase supplies or to sit down and eat before you begin your excursion.
The castles of Manzanares
From the fortress of the Marqués de Santillana to the palace of the Mendoza family.
La Pedriza and its lookout points
A colossal labyrinth that nobody knows completely
Water, bridges and fountains
At the heart of everything is water.
From Celtic traditions to the Roman-Gothic blend
Rituals, myths and legends of the supernatural
Much more in our Tourism Office
We would love to assist you and make your visit as satisfying as possible.

Tourism Office of Manzanares El Real
Si buscas planes, rutas, restaurantes o alojamiento, acércate a la oficina de turismo de Manzanares El Real. Allí encontrarás decenas de propuestas sorprendentes. Se encuentra en la calle del Cura, 5.
- Address: Calle del Cura, 5
- Web:
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